Le fournisseur français travaillant à l’abattoir Doux témoigne que Doux étourdit les poulets avant l’abattage mécanique.
« Producers use various methods to obtain products which they believe it is halal. in Fact these methods are far away from religious prescriptions, multinationals try to flood the market wth products to maximize profits which is understandable. » ( La Bible du Halal, Lotfi Bel Hadj)
GSO 993:2015 Animal Slaughtering Requirements According to Islamic Rules Stunning : There shall be no use of electric shock, all forms of shock and
unconsciousness when slaughtering birds.
Le recours aux chocs électriques et à toutes les formes d’étourdissement et de perte de conscience dans le cas des oiseaux est interdit.
Yassir Ben Ahmed Alhuwaykan (SFDA)
La SFDA forme des dizaines de spécialistes de 25 pays à l’alimentation halal
The course included answering questions related to halal certificates, potential risks in the field of the halal industry, methods of on-line examination on halal production and their reliability and their ability to give correct results, the legality of some food additives, and the clarification of the legal fatwa regarding them.
Viande et poulet importés
Lever le tabou de l’endométriose à l’école. Désir sexuel : l’insaisissable chimie. www.cialispascherfr24.com Manque de libido.