Mosque’s statement on pork in Halal school meat

Official statement from the East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre:
« The East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre isdeeply concerned about the discovery of pork DNA in ‘Halal’ school meals servedto Muslim primary school children in central London.
Whilst we welcome Westminster City Council’s swift response over this matter, this latest revelation over contaminated food supply chains will be hard for parents to ‘stomach’.
As consumption of pork or meat that has not been slaughtered in accordance with their faith is strictly prohibited, there will be serious issues of concern and mistrust between Muslim parents and schools across London. We hope a resolution can be sought quickly and effectively as possible.
Any subsequent investigation will need to rigorous and transparent to restore the confidence of the Muslim community. Any acts of criminality and negligence by its contractor will have to be answered.
We trust the Food Standards Agency (FSA) will make their own enquiries and take appropriate action, especially if a supplier has been found to be deliberately supplying pork meat but labeling it as chicken meat.
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has added: « This discovery underscores the dire need in this country to establish agreed standards, processes and regulations amongst our halal meat suppliers. We need a collective approach to ensure these expectations are realised. »
An authentically credited Halal meat supplier registered with the ‘Halal Monitoring Committee’ should be used to source meat and supplies. »
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