Ikea pulls elk lasagne found to contain pork
Ikea pulls elk lasagne found to contain pork Ikea said the lasagnes should have contained…
EU gives ‘untimely’ OK to pork, poultry in fish feed
EU gives ‘untimely’ OK to pork, poultry in fish feed Published 15 February 2013 …
The traces of pork have been found in 20 types of Hamza chicken burgers whose expiry date isn’t until 10 May 2013
Shocking: Pork found in Halal meat products in Birmingham Islam Times – The Birmingham city council has revealed…
Pork was found in halal chicken burgers
Halal meat in Birmingham found to contain pork Continue reading the main story Pork…
Pig DNA Found in Halal Meat Plant in Moscow
Pig DNA Found in Halal Meat Plant in Moscow Pig DNA Found in Halal Meat Plant…
Mosque’s statement on pork in Halal school meat
Mosque’s statement on pork in Halal school meat Last updated Fri 15 Mar 2013 …
Halal Horseburgers?
Halal Horseburgers? Posted by: Julian Bond Tags: food,halal,horse,industry,meat,vegetarian Posted date: March 23, 2013 | No comment…
France :Toupnot Corned Beef retiré des rayons chez ASDA en GB
Asda’s budget corned beef contains 50% horse meat, tests show Asda removed the £1.54 tins from…
Horsemeat: Chicken nuggets test positive for horse in Greece
Horse DNA has been found in chicken nuggets in Greece, according to Greek food safety authority…
Horsemeat found being sold as beef in Preston and Liverpool
Horsemeat found being sold as beef in Preston and Liverpool The meat…