10:00 AM
Halal 101: Back To Basics.
Presented by Ms. Roziatul Akmam Osman, CPA(M). Halal subject matter expert specialising in Leadership, Managment, Marketing, Continuous Improvement.

Ms. Roziatul Akmam Osman
Halal Subject Matter Expert
11:00 AM
Where there’s will there’s way! The Story Of Mecca-Cola!
Presented by Professor Mr. Tawfik Mathlouthi, the founder of Mecca-Cola from France.

Mr. Tawfik Mathlouthi
Founder, Mecca-Cola
12:00 PM
Growth Media For Enzymes & Starter Cultures In Halal Prespective.
Presentation by Dr. Ali Fanous from Halal Control, Germany.

Dr. Ali Fanous
Halal Control