Indonesia :The Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) needs 25 thousand auditors to certify products

01 Apr 2019

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Halal Center of Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya, East Java, provided six recommendations for the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH).
This recommendation is the result of the second halal seminar held by the Airlangga University Halal Center on Sunday (30/3). According to Director of Indonesia Halal Watch Ikhsan Abdullah, the first point of the recommendation was for BPJPH to focus on establishing representative offices at the provincial and district / city levels throughout Indonesia. In the seminar, he became one of the presenters.
At the very least, the agency needs 25 thousand auditors to certify small and medium enterprises (SME) products, which amount to 4.6 million units – outside of which are currently halal certified.
The fourth point is for BPJPH to immediately cooperate with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to certify halal auditors.
That way, the results of education and training conducted by BPJPH become halal auditors, not just prospective auditors.
This is also in line with the provisions of Article 14 letter F of the Halal Product Guarantee Law. In it, there are rules, auditor certification is carried out by MUI.
“Then the Auditor Training must have a legal umbrella in the form of a cooperation agreement between BPJPH and MUI also in the framework of LPH accreditation.”


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